Tonsil and Adenoid Growth in Children

Tonsil and Adenoid Growth in Children

In children, the tonsils and adenoids are lymphoid tissues that help regulate the body’s immune system. They catch bacteria and viruses that enter the throat and produce antibodies to fight them. The tonsils are located at the back of the throat on both sides. On the other hand, the adenoid is higher and farther behind the nasal cavity, not visible from the outside. Adenoids and tonsils enlarge when infected with a virus or bacteria that cause throat infections. As the tonsils enlarge, children and adults with throat infections experience problems such as difficulty swallowing, pain, and snoring that everyone knows and experiences. Under normal circumstances, they return to their normal size when the infection ends. However, they may remain enlarged, especially in children with frequent or chronic infections. This may cause the tonsils or adenoids to become a source of infection instead of protecting the body. It is important to treat adenoids or tonsils that become a source of infection.

In which cases is tonsil surgery necessary in children?

If the tonsils are very large, or they affect breathing or cause recurrent tonsil infections, they might need to be removed. Tonsils are divided into four degrees according to their size. The tonsils, which we call Grade 3 or 4, can prevent the development of the child, cause problems in the structure of the teeth, face, and jaw, and make it difficult to breathe, especially at night, should be removed. On the other hand, although the tonsil is not very enlarged, it can cause recurrent throat infections. We recommend these tonsils might be removed as well.

Is it true to remove tonsils in children?

It is a question we come across very often. According to scientific studies, contrary to popular belief, the removal of tonsils in children does not increase the number of infections in the lungs. Because, after the tonsils are removed in children, other elements of the immune system take over the task of the tonsils. Tonsils that are not removed even though they should be removed can disrupt the face and jaw structure and tooth structure. It may cause using too many antibiotics. It can affect the physical development of the child by causing continuous infection. Recurrent infections may cause heart diseases, febrile convulsions, and bad breath.

What problems does adenoid enlargement cause in children?

It can cause many different problems. It can cause an atypical facial appearance where the lower jaw, which we call the adenoid face, has been left behind over the years, and the chin view is tilted to the right or left. It can cause premature decay or crooked teeth by disrupting the tooth structure. If it is not treated by causing fluid accumulation in the ear, it can cause deafness, inflammation in different parts of the body, up to an abscess in the brain. Adenoid enlargement is an important cause of developmental delay in children. If your child has trouble sleeping with his mouth open or snoring, you should definitely consult an ENT specialist.

In which cases the adenoid should be surgically removed?

The adenoid, which closes the respiratory cavity in 70-90 percent of children, causes snoring and sleeping with the mouth open, should be surgically removed at the earliest stage. Smaller cases can be treated with drugs, but the size of the adenoid should be followed up with regular controls. Sometimes the adenoid may not be very large, but the accumulation of fluid in the ear has started. In these patients, while the fluid accumulation is treated by inserting a tube, the adenoid should also be removed.

How are tonsil and adenoid surgeries performed in children?

Both surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Since the surgery is done through the mouth, no scars are left. Today, tonsil surgery in children can be performed almost without any bleeding. If the tonsil is completely removed, there is no risk of recurrence. There is a five to ten percent risk of regrowth in adenoids. In the first two or three days after adenoid surgery, slight pink bleeding can be seen in children. After tonsil surgery, you should apply to your doctor who performed the surgery for the treatment of bleeding that occurs three days after the adenoid surgery. In both surgeries, a hospital stay is usually not required. The patient is discharged approximately 4-5 hours after the operation.

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