Salivary Gland Stone

Salivary Gland Stone

Salivary gland stone is one of the most common causes of unilateral inflammation of the salivary glands. The typical symptom of the disease is the appearance of recurrent painful swellings in the affected gland. That is, swelling and pain usually occur while eating, especially when consuming acidic and sour foods. This swelling that occurs in the salivary glands will go away on its own after a certain period. However, if the disease has progressed, swelling may remain in the affected gland area for a long time. In case of acute inflammation, purulent secretion may flow from the relevant channel.

Diagnosis of salivary gland stones

Patients complain of painful swelling of the salivary gland, especially while eating. Clinical examination, x-ray, ultrasound, and sialography (X-ray contrast imaging of the duct system) are used to diagnose salivary gland stones. In rare cases, salivary stones may diagnose as an incidental finding during dental x-ray examination.

Salivary gland endoscopy

It is a minimally invasive approach in which diagnosis and treatment can combine at the same time. With the help of an endoscope, salivary gland stones, duct stenosis, and inflammatory changes can see clearly. During the procedure, the salivary glands that drain the saliva examined and the narrowing of the ducts can be diagnosed and treated in the same session. The most important advantage of this application, also known as sialendoscopy, is that the risk of damage to the facial nerve, sensory. Motor tongue nerves are significantly lower than surgery. In addition, this procedure performs under local anesthesia. It is a painless procedure. It is possible to expand the narrowings with stenosis dilatation to place a temporary stent. Diagnostic salivary duct endoscopy takes about 15 minutes.

How is salivary gland stone treated?

If there is an acute inflammation of the salivary gland, the acute inflammation is primarily treated with stimulation of salivary secretion, massage several times a day, and antibiotics. After the symptoms subside, the causes of the inflammation are investigated by using the above-mentioned diagnostic methods. The appropriate treatment method depends on the location, number, shape, and size of the stone.

In recent years, there have been significant changes in how to treat salivary gland stones. Contrary to what was previously known, it is known that stone disease does not cause permanent functional limitations of the salivary gland, and therefore surgical removal of the gland is not always necessary. After the flow barrier is removed, the gland function can renew itself. Surgical removal of the gland is currently the last resort in very advanced cases.

Interventional salivary gland endoscopy

Salivary gland endoscopy is not only a diagnostic method but also a treatment method. Small stones that do not fall out on their own and can be reached with an endoscope can be removed with the help of an endoscope.

Larger stones are broken with ESWL. Salivary duct endoscopy can be applied for stones that do not spontaneously fall out after disintegration. In addition to the treatment of salivary gland stones, the salivary gland duct can be enlarged by stenosis dilatation with interventional methods. Depending on the type of stenosis, a stent may be placed in the drainage channel after surgery.

Surgical removal of the gland

Surgical removal of the affected salivary gland may be the last resort in limited cases that are resistant to treatment and cause recurrent discomfort despite exhausting all treatment options. Removal of the salivary gland does not cause any restriction in terms of saliva formation, as the remaining salivary glands still produce enough saliva.

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