Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Rhinoplasty is one of the most requested aesthetic surgeries. However, many patients are afraid of potential complications and surgery. Non-surgical rhinoplasty using dermal fillers is a safe, non-invasive approach. Non-surgical methods in rhinoplasty are ideal for people who want to change the shape of their noses but do not want to have surgery. The results might notice immediately after the application. Below, we tried to answer the questions about non-surgical rhinoplasty.

In which cases is non-surgical rhinoplasty performed?

In cases where surgery does not desire, non-surgical rhinoplasty can apply to improve the shape of the tip and bridge of the nose or correct minor deformities or problems that may occur after rhinoplasty surgery. Small deformities in the nose can fix with non-surgical rhinoplasty. Patients who do not want the surgical option but want to improve their facial appearance may benefit from non-surgical rhinoplasty.

What are the advantages of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The most advantage over traditional rhinoplasty is that it does not require an incision. The operation is completed in a very short time. Anesthesia is not needed. The patient can return to his daily life immediately after the procedure. The cost of the operation is more affordable compared to surgery.

Is non-surgical rhinoplasty permanent?

Unlike traditional rhinoplasty surgery, non-surgical applications do not produce permanent results. The longevity of the results largely depends on the type of filler used. Although it differs from person to person in our clinic, fillers can last up to 18 months. After the effect wears off, the procedure can repeat if desired.

How is nose filler applied?

Uses topical numbing cream before the procedure so that the patient is comfortable during the application. No other anesthesia is needed. It takes about five minutes for the filler to inject under the skin. Patients can see the changes that occur in their noses throughout the procedure. As soon as the application completes, patients can continue their daily lives.

What should consider after the application?

Applying pressure to the nose should be avoided for five days. For example, in the first five days, patients should not lie face down. Minimal bruising can see, which resolves within 5-7 days. There may be slight sensitivity in the nose for 3-5 days following the treatment.

Can nasal bone curvature be corrected without surgery?

With non-surgical rhinoplasty, only minor changes can be made to the nose. In other words, if the bone curvature is minimal, the curvature can be hidden with filler injection. However, very large nasal bumps, extremely crooked noses, and other major changes can only be treated with surgical methods.

Can the nose be reduced without surgery?

Non-surgical methods allow hiding the existing deformity with small filler injections. The main reason for the size of the nose is the bone and cartilage structure. Since it is not possible to reduce bone and cartilage without surgery, it is not possible to reduce the nose without surgery.

Can I get information about the price of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

The price varies according to the amount of filler to be used. In addition, it is not legal to share prices in the form of advertisements in health services. However, you can get information about average prices from my assistant by using our contact information.

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